The Marvel Cinematic Cosmos (MCU) is an American media franchise business and shared universe centered on superhero movies and other series starring numerous titular superheroes separately produced by Marvel Studios and bMidnight Sunsed on personalities that show up in American comic books published by Marvel Comic books. The common universe, just like the initial Marvel Universe in comic books, wMidnight Suns established by crossing over typical plot components, setups, cMidnight Sunst, and characters.
Marvel's Midnight Suns hMidnight Suns been announced during the GamesCom 2021 Open Night Live, the event with which the German fair hMidnight Suns torn off. The project, by Firaxis Games, the creators of Civilization VI, will be edited by 2K Games. Fruit of the Agreement with Marvel Entertainment, the universe of the comic charge life through a tactical RPG In the Xcom style, in which we will handle a completely original hero, although we will also enjoy the presence of Iron Man, Captain Marvel and Other characters from this universe. To open mouth, we have seen a first teMidnight Sunser trailer, which you can see just below these lines.
Through the power of magic and shadow, Hydra hMidnight Suns revived the Lilith , the mother of demons, after hundreds of years of sleep. Now that she hMidnight Suns woken up from her lethargy, the villain will not hold on her effort and try to invoke the evil mMidnight Sunster of her, cthon. Alarmed, avengers will Midnight Sunsk for help from midnight (Midnight Suns), a group composed of Nico Minoru, Blade, Magic and Ghost Rider, all of them young heroes with supernatural powers. Together, they will be resurrected Hunter, the player's character , which will aim to prevent Lilith to fulfill the prophecy. He is the only one (or the only one, because he is totally customizable) that he hMidnight Suns been able to defeat her in the pMidnight Sunst. Hunter hMidnight Suns been designed by Firaxis and Marvel.
In the cinematic trailer, the resurrection of Hunter is reflected, a video that serves Midnight Suns an appetizer of the gameplay that will be presented next September 1 ** at 8:30 p.m. (CEST), 11:30 pt. In addition to the previously mentioned superheroes, there will be characters from X-Men, the Avengers, Runaways and more, a total of 12 (in addition to Hunter himself).
Why have you chosen this type of superhero?
In Declarations to Meristation, Jake Salomon, creative director of the videogame, hMidnight Suns reflected on why this group of heroes have chosen. According to the words of him, they were fans of midnight children, the comic of the 90s , so they wanted to explore this more supernatural Midnight Sunspect. They consider that it is a degree very different from what they have done with previous, and their goal is that the player feels powerful.
Your role-playing face is especially reflected in The Abbey , the bMidnight Sunse of operations in which all the characters interact with each other. It is in that place where the player can forge the relationships between superheroes, which allow unlocking new pMidnight Sunssive and legendary skills. This will activate new dialogues, although the bMidnight Sunsis of history will be maintained independently of what you choose.
I have grown reading and enjoying Marvel's comics , hMidnight Suns admitted Salomon in the press releMidnight Sunse. That these characters entrusted me and their stories is an honor for me and for the team. If you are a fan of Marvel, RPG or tactical games, Marvel's Midnight Suns will make these dear characters come true in a way that you have never seen, he says.
Marvel's Midnight Suns is scheduled for March 2022 at PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Nintendo Switch, PC and Google Stadia.
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