In mid-November, the 343 Industries team decided to pleasantly surprise their community with the premiere of Halo Infinite multiplayer mode, a beta that placed the game at the best positions of Steam. However, and as it happens in this class of online titles, the items are already being filled with cheats that reinforce their skill with the use of hacks, so the honest players are already asking for measures Against this type of practice.
Return classical hacks as the automatic aim As it collects Euro gamer, several users have shared scenes that show the use of hacks by other players, since strategies that would be impossible for any human being are observed. In this sense, networking publications show the use of some technologies already classic in that area, as the possibility of seeing the rest of users behind the walls or automatic aim.
This kind of negative experiences have derived new requests to 343 Industries: Improve your anti-hacks system or allow deactivation of the cross game Between Xbox and PC, as users of consoles want to avoid findings with cheats. After all, Halo Infinite does not have the option of disabling the cross play beyond the classification items in the sand, where there is the option to play with command or keyboard users and mouse.
It will seem to see what decision 343 industries takes about it, because it would not be a surprise that put more updates to its multiplayer mode after arranging aspects such as the battle pass operation. In spite of this, it is increasingly less so that halo fans can enjoy the new teacher's new adventure since, although the cooperative mode will see the light later, the game is already Gold.
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